Project Information

West Airport Boulevard, Hiram Clarke to FM 521 City of Houston 1/12/2015 2:58:05 PM

Project Narrative

West Airport is discontinuous between Hiram Clarke and FM 521 (Almeda Road). The roadway is designated on the City's Major Thoroughfare and Freeway Plan as a six lane roadway within a 100 foot right of way. The project was the subject of a previous TxDOT Minute Order (No. 87525 Dated June 28, 1988). This project will extend a major east - west transitway from Almeda Road west to Hiram Clarke. This project will extend a major City of Houston thoroughfare from Almeda Road west to Hiram Clarke and improve mobility in the Hiram Clarke / Almeda Road area. West Airport Boulevard from Hiram Clarke to FM 521 (Almeda Road). A four lane boulevard within a 100 foot wide right of way that also includes a Ped / Bike accommodation that meets AASHTO Standards, sidewalks, and a significant ITS or other integrated component to increase facility efficiency and reliability. NA The project is relatively short and can be constructed in primarily two phases. Since the project limits are from Hiram Clarke and FM 521 our goal is to expeditiously construct the drainage system and the two eastbound traffic lanes/bridges within these limits which will allow for continuously traffic flow along West Airport Blvd. There is now a newly discovered need for drainage detention ponds which will require some right of way to be purchased. Since all necessary right of way for the roadway construction has already been purchased, it is expected that construction can begin within 2015 with the necessary funding in place and the design is completed.

Project Narrative


Environmental Assessment (EA) Please Select No 01/03/2015 Yes 3 01/06/2016 No Utility Adjustments / relocations will be performed by the private utility owners on an entity responsible basis prior to construction. City utilities will be relocated as a part of the construction project. Yes To be submitted later

West Airport Blvd - Letter of Support - TxDOT.pdf

To be submitted later

To be submitted later

TIP Letter of Support.PDF


Project Map.pdf

Project Budget

W. Airport Form A.pdf



Evalutation Questions - Major Investments

Benefit/Cost Methodology

Please attach the completed BCA Excel worksheet and narrative explanation of analyses used

TIP Analysis Placeholder.PDF

TIP Analysis Placeholder.PDF

Narrative Benefits

To be submitted later

TIP Analysis Placeholder.PDF

To be submitted later

TIP Analysis Placeholder.PDF

To be submitted later

TIP Analysis Placeholder.PDF

To be submitted later

TIP Analysis Placeholder.PDF

To be submitted later

TIP Analysis Placeholder.PDF