The 2015 Call for Projects has ended.

The deadline for applications for funding under this Call was January 12, 2015.

Approximately 200 funding applications were reviewed. The applications seek more than $3 billion in funding support and represent almost $4.5 billion in total investment. A list of these applications is provided below.

Applications were evaluated for project readiness and potential benefits using criteria adopted by the Transportation Policy Council (available below). Public Comment was sought through a 30-day comment period prior to Transportation Policy Council action committing funds.

Public Comments Received (as of 8-25-15)


The Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) is seeking proposals from local governments and other eligible project sponsors to implement transportation projects which advance the vision and goals of the 2040 Regional Transportation Plan.

The TIP Call for Projects will commit federal and state funds allocated to the Houston region to implement roadway, transit, pedestrian/bicycle, livable centers, and air quality projects within the next 5-10 years.


Applicants must complete a pre-application form including contact, agency and project identification/classification information. Credentials and instructions for completing the remainder of the proposal application will be sent to the applicant based on the information provided in the pre-application.

The 2015 TIP Call application period has now closed.

Application Workshop and Weekly Q&A Webinars

An Application Workshop was held at the United Way on October 7, 2014 and via online webinar on October 10, 1014. Materials from the workshop and a recording of the workshop webinar are available below. In addition, weekly Q&A webinars are held for prospective applicants to seek clarification on any questions they may have regarding the 2015 TIP Call for Projects. A schedule of webinars and a link to register are provided below.

Application Workshop:

Weekly Q&A Webinar:

Application Deadline - EXTENDED TO JANUARY 12, 2015

All submittals must be received by H-GAC no later than 7:00 p.m., Monday, January 12, 2015. Any submissions received after this deadline will not receive further consideration.


  1. This call is limited to local governments, transit agencies, management districts, and other entities that can contract with the Texas Department of Transportation or, in limited circumstances, are existing grantees with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA).
  2. The proposed project must be located within H-GAC’s eight-county Transportation Management Area (TMA), which includes Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and Waller counties.
  3. If the proposed project would improve or significantly affect infrastructure owned or operated by another agency, the applicant must provide documentation of support from the affected agency.

Applicants are encouraged to submit proposals consistent with the 2040 RTP goals and project evaluation criteria. However, applicants are advised that all of the funding sources available through the 2015 TIP Call for Projects have program requirements and in some unusual circumstances a funding award may not be able to be extended to an otherwise high-scoring proposal.

Funding Availability

Flexible Federal Funds
Approximately $160 million of flexible federal funds (exclusive of required match) is available in the four years of the 2015-2018 TIP. An additional $440 million of flexible funds may be programmed for project implementation between 2019 and 2024 for high priority projects.

Proposition 1 (State) and Metropolitan Mobility (Federal) Funds
H-GAC has produced a conservative estimate of Proposition1 funds which may be available for local project selection in the Houston region. Approximately $440 million of Prop-1 and remaining federal Category 2 (Metropolitan Mobility) funds is available in the four years of the 2015-2018 TIP. An additional $350 million may be programmed for project implementation between 2019 and 2024 for high priority projects. These funds are limited to implementing roadway projects on the state highway system.

Applicants are advised that all of the funding sources available through the 2015 TIP Call for Projects are provided on a reimbursement basis and sponsoring agencies must be prepared to finance ongoing project activities. Under no circumstances will funds be disbursed in advance of eligible expenditures.

Local Funding Match

Most of the funding sources available through the 2015 TIP Call for Projects require a non-federal match and can support a maximum of 80% of eligible project costs. Increased federal participation of up to 100% of eligible project costs may be requested using Transportation Development Credits (TDCs) for projects consistent with H-GAC’s adopted TDC Policy. TDCs must be requested at the time funding is requested through a separate application, available below.

Please note that the demonstration of funding partnerships and local funding participation in excess of 20% are encouraged and given priority in the evaluation criteria for several categories of projects.

Project Evaluation and Funding Award

Applicants are responsible for documenting and evaluating their TIP Call for Project proposals using the adopted evaluation criteria. Completed proposals will be evaluated for consistency and analysis appropriateness by H-GAC staff and, where necessary, representatives from the Texas Department of Transportation. The TIP Subcommittee will be responsible for making funding recommendations to the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and Transportation Policy Council (TPC). The TPC will approve all awards of funding made through the 2015 TIP Call for Projects.

Application Submittal

The 2015 TIP Call application period has now closed.

Application Materials

Application Templates:

Application Guidance:

  • Benefit Cost Analysis
  • Project Readiness
  • TDC Policy

Application Resources