Project Information

FM 521 (FM 2234 to SH6) Fort Bend County 1/12/2015 3:43:44 PM

Project Narrative

The proposed project (the “Project”) is widening FM 521 to a boulevard section that replaces the undivided roadway. The boulevard section improves traffic control and reduces left turning conflicts. The Project is a continuation of FM 521 improvements from Sam Houston Toll Road to FM 2234 (north of the Project). Added capacity is needed to reduce congestion and maintain an acceptable Level of Service. The Project will improve regional mobility by connecting Sam Houston Toll Road to SH 6 and improve access to residential areas of Pearland, Fresno, and Arcola. The Project will also improve local mobility to residents and commerce to allow for economic development. The Project improves and completes the connectivity between Sam Houston Tollway and SH 6. The Project consists of the following improvements. • Construct a four-lane boulevard • Improve and replace aged and undersized bridge and culvert crossings • Improve traffic signals and connect traffic signals to adjacent railroad signals • Create pedestrian access along east side of roadway None The project is shown broken down into two phases. Phase 1 would be from FM 2234 to about 350 feet south of Evergreen Street. Phase 2 would be from 350 feet south of Evergreen Street to about 125 feet north of SH 6. Phase 1 is shown with a FY 2017 letting date and Phase 2 with a FY 2018 letting date.

1.7.2015 - Project Schedule.pdf

Project Narrative


Environmental Assessment (EA) (d)(1) Modernization of a highway Yes Nationwide permits for stream crossings from the Army Corps of Engineers, typically takes 90 days. 03/07/2015 No No TBD Yes Project would improve FM 521, a TxDOT roadway.

No public meetings or mailouts have occurred. The normal EA process would be followed.

FBC CC Agenda_011315.pdf

Attached Commissioners Court agenda item.

FBC CC Agenda_011315.pdf


FM521 Google Earth Map.pdf

Project Budget

1.8.2015 - Project Budget.pdf



Evalutation Questions - Major Investments

Benefit/Cost Methodology

Please attach the completed BCA Excel worksheet and narrative explanation of analyses used

request for FM 521 modeling.pdf

request for FM 521 modeling.pdf

Narrative Benefits