On This Page
The H-GAC Solid Waste Program reviews applications for landfill permits and solid waste grants. H-GAC provides technical assistance to local governments on solid waste issues, as well as continuing education opportunities for local governments and solid waste professionals. H-GAC also provides recycling resources for the Houston-Galveston region.
H-GAC Releases Four Decades of H-GAC's Regional Solid Waste Program Report
Since 1983, H-GAC's Regional Solid Waste Management Program has worked to facilitate effective solid waste management in the 13-county H-GAC region. To celebrate 40 years serving the region, H-GAC published Four Decades of H-GAC's Regional Solid Waste Program. This 16-page report showcases the program's history, the changing landscape of solid waste management, and successful programs aimed at supporting solid waste management in the region.
Closed Landfill Inventory
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Published in 2007, this overview of the closed landfill inventory provides questions and answers relevant to local government officials.
Published in 2007, this overview of the closed landfill inventory provides questions and answers relevant to consultants and developers.
Construction and Demolition Waste
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Published in 2008, this guide is intended to assist local governments and non‐profits with the development of building material reuse centers.
Published in 2005, this study offers an overview of Construction and Demolition issues and best practices: recycling, reuse, and deconstruction options; helpful planning, recycling, and reuse hints for the construction site; and listing of recyclers, salvagers, and contractors in the H-GAC area for construction and demolition materials.
Offered in 2006, this workshop presentation highlights construction and demolition waste, ways to reduce and recycle C&D waste, practical applications, best management practices, technical resources, and funding mechanisms.
Household Chemical Waste
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This report highlights what household hazardous waste (HHW) is, goals of HHW collection, reuse and recycling, financing HHW collection and associated costs, and methods of collection, such as events.
Published in 2005, this guide gives an overview of the proper identification and management of household hazardous waste.
Published in 2005, this guide gives an overview of the proper identification and management of household hazardous waste.
Organics Waste Management
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Published in 2010, this manual is designed to assist local governments and private companies in the Houston-Galveston area to enhance diversion efforts in the region.
Published in 2009, this manual is designed to assist large public institutions in the Houston-Galveston area with evaluating and implementing best practices for organics management and enhance organics diversion efforts.
Recycling and Waste Minimization
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Published in 2013, this study estimates the current and potential economic contribution of the recycling industry in the Houston-Galveston region.
This workbook includes interview and waste audit forms, as well as examples for waste audits by volume and by weight. The workbook also includes LEED EBOM sample forms
This study explores traditional and non‐traditional markets and potential uses for eight recyclable materials. The information will assist local governments across the region in fostering the development of new markets for these recyclable materials.
Developed with R.W. Beck in 2008, these case studies evaluate the effectiveness of five cities’ recycling and waste minimization programs to provide specific recommendations to each city regarding ways to increase diversion and improve their program operations.
This 16-page book, designed for students in second and third grade, provides fun and educational recycling-oriented puzzles and activities, including word search games, mazes, connect the dots, and coloring pages. Answer pages are included.
This 16-page book, designed for students in fourth and fifth grade, provides fun and educational recycling-oriented puzzles and activities, including word search games, mazes, math mashups, and secret code deciphering. Answer pages are included.
This checklist for communities considering implementing a recycling program focuses on identification and separation, assessment, collection and processing, markets for collected materials, and re-entry of recycling products/end markets.
This workshop presentation looks at recycling basics, evaluating needs, program design consideration, emerging trends, public outreach, overcoming challenges, and measuring performance.
This workshop presentation looks at procurement elements, including curbside collection contracts and drop-off collection procurement, as well as the evaluation process and contract negotiations.
This workshop presentation looks at the 10 steps to developing an education campaign, effectiveness of various outreach methods, overcoming common obstacles, and ideas for successful programs.
This workshop presentation provides an overview of drop-off recycling and discusses key factors in developing a successful program.
These case studies look at recycling program data for single-family, multi-family, brush/yard waste, white goods, household hazardous waste, used electronics, and public education in Bay City, Huntsville, Lake Jackson, Pearland, and Texas City.
Solid Waste Facilities
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Published in 2003, this study considered the feasibility of implementing an organized solid waste collection program in Walker County to reduce illegal dumping, including recommendations for service providers, funding sources, and policy changes.
Published in 1999, this workbook assists local governments in developing community solid waste facilities, particularly citizens' collection stations and transfer stations. The guide addresses issues faced by governments in determining their needs, planning a facility, evaluating regulatory requirements, constructing a new facility, and operations.
Published in 1999, this workbook is a practical guide for local governments preparing to contract with private companies for solid waste collection, transport, or disposal services.
Published in 2005. By analyzing the source of the municipal solid waste (MSW) stream and how the population and employment will change in this region over the next 20 years, the study serves as a valuable tool in assessing solid waste disposal capacity for the region and planning for future needs.
Published in 2017, this study builds on the 2005 Regional Solid Waste Characterization Study. The goals of the 2017 study were to update the 2005 study in evaluating the current and projected landfill capacity, as well as to quantify, to the extent possible, the current recycling and diversion activities occurring within the H-GAC planning region.
Solid Waste Grants
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The report to the Texas Legislature is a snapshot of how revenue from the Regional Solid Waste Grants Program is spent throughout the state. Revenue from this program is provided by the state’s municipal solid waste fee, or “tipping fee,” half of which is designated for regional and local projects.
Solid Waste Management Plan
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The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality adopted the current regional solid waste plan for the H-GAC 13-county region on July 19, 2023, and it became effective on August 10, 2023. This plan is a comprehensive document that discusses source reduction and reuse, recycling, resource recovery, and disposal; analyzes the current waste management system; and presents recommended actions for addressing solid waste management problems in the region.
Regional Solid Waste Management Plan 2022-2042