Project Information

SH 6 Texas Department of Transportation 1/12/2015 4:09:42 PM

Project Narrative

State Highway (SH) 6 is a heavily traveled principle arterial. This section of roadway is on the State’s Top 125 list of most congested corridors (rank: #63), and also is on the Top 125 most congested freight corridors (rank: #102) and is considered a freight bottleneck. The current design functions at an unacceptable Level of Service during peak hours. Demand exceed capacity and traffic in the area – currently at 49,200 ADT – is expected to increase. According to a recent TxDOT traffic study, this intersection currently has a 799.9 second/vehicle delay in the morning peak. Delay is predicted to increase to 1099 seconds/vehicle in 2035 without improvement. The purpose of the project is to reduce congestion, provide operational improvements, and improve safety. The proposed design would consist of improvements to the SH 6 at FM 529 intersection. The improvements include additional left- and right-turn bays to each approach of SH 6 at FM 529 intersection, a pedestrian refuge, and optimization of the traffic signals. The improved intersection would remain a four-way intersection. In addition, the proposed project would include a 5-foot wide sidewalk along each side of the SH 6 and FM 529 roadways throughout the project, as well as pedestrian refuge. Shared 15-foot lanes would be provided on both side of SH 6 and FM 529 to facilitate bicycle travel. Several conceptual alternatives were considered, including a no build alternative, using a systematic, interdisciplinary approach, which included input from the public, as well as federal, state, and local agencies. The improvements outlined in this application represent the preferred alternative. The no-build alternative would continue to foster congestion and will not provide pedestrian refuge, sidewalks, or bicycle accommodations. The result of no-build would be continued congestion and safety concerns. Alternatively, the preferred alternative will include a six-lane divided roadway with 12-foot lanes, and added 12-foot through lane between Smithstone Drive and Sugar Ride Street. The project also includes dual left turn lanes and a right turn lane at all approaches. A raised median would be constructed to replace the continuous, flush left turn lane.

Project Narrative



Categorical Exclusion (CE) (c)(26) Modernization of a highway which meets constraints in paragraph (e) No 06/01/2013 Yes 5 01/01/2023 No No utility adjustments are anticipated. If utility adjustments should be needed, the adjustments would be made by the provider, with reimbursement if eligible. Over 5 acres of ROW need to be acquired. The number of parcels will be determined when ROW mapping is complete. No

Public Meeting – 6/18/2013 No residential or commercial displacements are anticipated.

The environmental document is complete, but not approved. Once the project is included in the 2040 RTP, the CE can be approved.

01-09-15 - 1685-05-105 - GIS - SH 6 at FM 529.jpg


1685-05-105 - GIS - SH 6 at FM 529.jpg

Project Budget

1685-05-105 Budget - SH6.xlsx



Evalutation Questions - Roadway/Mobility (Non-ITS) Projects

Benefit /Cost Methodology - Roadway/Mobility (Non-ITS)

Regional Impact

Design/Corridor Mobility
