About the RTP Project Development Process

The Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Project Development Process evaluates long-term projects for their inclusion into the fiscally constrained RTP project list. The RTP Subcommittee led the development of the Process, and the H-GAC’s Transportation Policy Council (TPC) adopted the Project Development Process in February 2024.

The purpose of the process is to establish a primary avenue to add RTP-eligible projects to the fiscally constrained RTP project list. Adding more projects to the RTP will allow for the maximization of planning efforts, or planning before programming. This could help ensure that projects are the best they can be before programming them into our other planning documents.

RTP Goals

The five RTP Goals are:

  • Improve Safety
  • Achieve and Maintain a State of Good Repair
  • Move People and Goods Reliably and Efficiently
  • Strengthen Regional Economic Competitiveness
  • Conserve and Protect Natural and Cultural Resources
2045 RTP Goals

RTP Project Sponsor Workshop

H-GAC conducted a Project Sponsor Workshop on Wednesday, May 15 2024, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

The workshop included the following:

  • RTP Project Development Process: Presentation and Overview
  • How to Submit a Project to the Online Portal
  • Present Data Applications to Enhance Project Submission
  • Question-and-Answer Session

How to Submit a Project

H-GAC has developed an online portal for project sponsors to submit their projects. The project submission portal will open on Wednesday, May 22, 2024.

Submission Steps

  1. Create an online portal account. This step will only need to completed one time.
  2. Access the online portal.
  3. Begin, complete, and submit a project submission application.
  4. If applicable, begin, complete, and submit additional project submission applications.

Submission Deadline

Projects must be submitted by 5:00 pm on Wednesday, August 7, 2024.

Online Portal Links

Project Submission Application Information

The project submission application will ask for the following information:

  • Project Information
    • Project Name
    • Project Description/Scope of Work
    • Project Limits
    • Project Limits File Upload (Optional)
    • Project Cost or Cost Ranges
    • Project Fiscal Year or Five-Year Band
    • Project Need
    • Project Desired Outcome
  • Other Information
    • Has the sponsor conducted public outreach for this project?
      • When and where was the public outreach held?
      • Examples of Public Outreach File Upload
      • If not, please explain why?
    • Was this project recommended in previous plans or studies?
      • What was the name of the plan or study?
      • Please provide a link to the plan or study.
      • Which page of this previous plan or study contains the recommendation?
      • If not, please explain how the project came to be.
    • Is this project regionally significant?
      • Please explain how.
  • RTP Goals Information
    • RTP Goal #1: Does this project help improve safety?
    • RTP Goal #2: Does this project help achieve and maintain a state of good repair?
    • RTP Goal #3: Does this project help move people and goods reliably and efficiently?
    • RTP Goal #4: Does this project help strengthen regional and economic competitiveness?
    • RTP Goal #5: Does this project conserve and protect natural and cultural resources?