Who is Completing the Application?

Please provide contact information for the person who will complete the online application for this project. The email address and password entered here will be used to complete and submit both Pre-Applications and Applications.

Mariana Raschke

Associate at the Goodman Corporation


[email protected]

Primary Agency Information

Please provide contact information for the agency official who is representing the project sponsor. This individual will be considered the official applicant and must be authorized by their agency to submit this request for funding and make necessary assertations and representations on the agency’s behalf.

League City

Angie Steelman

Director of Budget & Project Management


[email protected]

300 West Walker

League City



Additional Agency Information

Project Information

Palomino Lane Extension

Harris County

Palomino Lane

From the north terminus of Palomino Lane at Clear Springs High School to Grissom Road, approximately 0.55 miles west of the intersection of Grissom Road and West NASA Road

The Palomino Lane Extension will ease congestion in League City west of IH 45 between FM 518 and FM 528. Currently, the City has limited north/south connectivity. In public input “League City Speaks” sessions, residents listed congestion as the highest mobility priority to be addressed; specific comments addressed insufficient routes over Clear Lake/Clear Creek and insufficient north/south routes. The project will alleviate congestion on Bay Area Blvd, FM 518 and FM 528. West of IH 45, Bay Area Blvd is currently the only north/south corridor; it carries about 41,000 vehicles per day in the segment between FM 518 and FM 528 and operates at a 24-Hour LOS of B (H-GAC Travel Demand Model). FM 518 connects to the south terminus of the Bay Area Blvd Bridge. It intersects with Palomino Lane between Bay Area Blvd and IH 45 and is currently operating at a 24-Hour LOS E, degrading to LOS F by 2025. To the north of Bay Area Blvd Bridge, FM 528 connects from Bay Area Blvd, to West NASA Road and IH 45. It is currently operating at a 24-Hour LOS C, degrading to D by 2025 and F by 2040.

In its existing condition, Palomino Lane provides access to Clear Springs High School and a few residences located along Palomino Lane, however it does not connect to areas north of the Clear Creek. Currently, all school traffic travels via FM 518 to reach the Clear Springs High School and the Creekside Intermediate School. League City has proposed extension of Palomino Lane and a Clear Creek bridge to provide a connection to Grissom Road and ultimately align it to connect with the planned Beemer Road extension. The construction of these two segments will provide important local and regional connectivity in the north/south direction. The City is seeking funding support for the construction of the 0.55-mile segment of Palomino Lane through this TIP call. The City will construct the 2.25-mile Beamer Road extension with local funds. (Attachment 1, Palomino Lane with Beamer Road Extension). The project cross section is a 4-lane, divided major thoroughfare with raised and landscaped median, and a 10-foot, behind-the-curb, shared-use path. The Clear Creek bridge is designed to meet updated 500-year flood plain requirements. Utility improvements include an enclosed conduit storm sewer system. (Attachment 2, Palomino Lane Extension Cross Section)

The primary benefit of the project is a reduction in congestion. The City completed a Traffic Impact Analysis that measured moderate benefits during the AM and School PM peak periods, however during the PM peak period, the benefits were significant and improve mobility in the region. The study estimated a savings of peak period savings of 87 VHT in 2025, increasing to 268 VHT by 2040. It measured LOS as follows: • FM 518: LOS of C (AM Peak, 2025 No Build) or D (PM Peak, 2025 No Build) • FM 528: LOS of C (AM Peak, 2025 No Build) or E (PM Peak, 2025 No Build) (Attachment 3, Traffic Impact Analysis) When Palomino Lane ultimately is connected to FM 528 along the same alignment as extension of Beamer Road, the operational benefits of the project will increase significantly from what is reflected here by providing a short and straight, north/south connection as opposed to the two-lane Grissom Road connection as used in this analysis. A supplemental congestion benefit has been provided, with benefits derived from the traffic impact analysis. Another significant benefit is improved access and evacuation for Clear Springs High School (CSHS). The school has an enrollment of 2,325 students and 146 teachers; the project will improve connectivity between the CSHS campus and other educational facilities, including Creekside Intermediate School, Clear Creek West Agriculture Center, and the Challenger-Columbia Stadium. Currently, all school traffic exits south from Palomino Lane to FM 518, creating congestion at the FM 518 and Palomino Road intersection during AM and school PM peak periods. The Palomino Lane extension will provide relief to the massive congestion on FM 518 and improve operational efficiency. Furthermore, it will serve as an additional exit in the event of an emergency evacuation. The school has experienced problems in the past evacuating the campus since it was limited to one exit point. Other benefits include: • Provide another option for school traffic traveling to the Central Support Facility on West NASA Boulevard • Shorten bus routes. Currently, all buses either travel on the IH 45 feeder road to the east (5.2 miles) or Bay Area Boulevard to the west (4 miles). A bridge would shorten the trip to ½ mile. • Improve access to Challenger-Columbia Stadium. For CSHS games, most traffic is coming south and creating significant congestion on Grissom Road, which is two lanes. A secondary benefit is the reduction in emissions. The project is estimated eliminate 1.6 tons in VOC and NOx by 2025, increasing to 4.1 tons by 2040.



Less than $100 million

(Expand) Roadway Added Capacity/New Construction/Complete Streets


6_RES 2018-168_CoLCResolutionofSupport.pdf

Project Development/Readiness


Environmental Assessment (EA)















01_LEACity_Palomino TIP Readiness Materials.zip


LEACity Palomino MPK Map.zip

Project Budget



Benefit/Cost Analysis




Palomino Synchro & Support Files.zip

Palomino Alternative Congestion Benefit.zip

Planning Factors - Connectivity to Employment/Eliminates At-Grade Railroad Crossings


701 - 800


Planning Factors - Environmental Justice


Planning Factors - Improves Corridor Level of Travel Time Reliability (LOTTR)

0.01 – 0.10


Planning Factors - Improves Multimodal LOS




Auto: The project will alleviate congestion on Bay Area Blvd, FM 518 and FM 528. West of IH 45, Bay Area Blvd is currently the only north/south corridor; it carries about 41,000 vehicles per day in the segment between FM 518 and FM 528 and operates at a 24-Hour LOS of B (H-GAC Travel Demand Model). FM 518 connects to the south terminus of the Bay Area Blvd Bridge. It intersects with Palomino Lane between Bay Area Blvd and IH 45 and is currently operating at a 24-Hour LOS E, degrading to LOS F by 2025. To the north of Bay Area Blvd Bridge, FM 528 connects from Bay Area Blvd, to West NASA Road and IH 45. It is currently operating at a 24-Hour LOS C, degrading to D by 2025 and F by 2040. The primary benefit of the project is a reduction in congestion. Bike/Ped: The project cross section is a 4-lane, divided major thoroughfare with raised and landscaped median, and a 10-foot, behind-the-curb, shared-use path. The path will support alternative transportation to the Clear Springs High School and other CISD facilities. The school has an enrollment of 2,325 students; the project will improve connectivity between the CSHS campus and other educational facilities, including Creekside Intermediate School, Clear Creek West Agriculture Center, and the Challenger-Columbia Stadium.

Planning Factors - Planning Coordination


2011 League City Master Mobility Plan, page 14 AND 2018 League City Strategic Plan, page 1, 6

http://www.leaguecity.com/DocumentCenter/Home/View/9304 and http://www.leaguecity.com/documentcenter/view/16129

Planning Factors - Roadway Hierarchy/Freight System Priority/Evacuation Route

Minor Arterial



