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Who is Completing the Application?
Please provide contact information for the person who will complete the online application for this project. The email address and password entered here will be used to complete and submit both Pre-Applications and Applications.
Mariana Raschke
Associate at the Goodman Corporation
Primary Agency Information
Please provide contact information for the agency official who is representing the project sponsor. This individual will be considered the official applicant and must be authorized by their agency to submit this request for funding and make necessary assertations and representations on the agency’s behalf.
Westchase Management District
Irma Sanchez
Vice President of Projects
10370 Richmond Avenue, #1350
Additional Agency Information
City of Houston
Sharon Moses-Burnside
Division Manager, Transportation Planning
611 Walker Street
Project Information
Deerwood Shared-Use Path
Harris County
(Various) Citywest Blvd, Briar Forest Dr., Walnut Bend Ln., Blue Willow, Deerwood, BW-8
From approximately Westheimer and Citywest Blvd. to the Terry Hershey Trail
The Terry Hershey Park and Trail System is a Harris County Park that runs along approximately six miles of Buffalo Bayou in western Houston roughly from George Bush Park (Barker Reservoir) to Beltway 8. It has long been a goal of the Westchase District to improve north/south connectivity to the Terry Hershey system via what has been termed the Deerwood Path. Currently, the Terry Hershey (TH) Trail is difficult to reach as a pedestrian or cyclist due to the major roads (without continuous sidewalks/bikeways) it is built along and adjacent to (Beltway 8, Wilcrest Drive, Kirkwood Road, Dairy Ashford, etc.) This has led to a reliance by TH users on driving to adjacent parking lots (public and private) to use the system. The proposed project (Deerwood Path) will create a comprehensive north/south connection to the TH Trail from Blue Willow Drive to Westheimer Road, just west of Beltway 8. This project was originally conceived in the late 2000s (and is now codified as a component of the Westchase District 2016 Mobility Plan and their 2016 Ped/Bike Plan); however, the proposed alignment of the Deerwood Trail was always envisioned to run along the banks of an existing Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) drainage corridor just east of Blue Willow Drive. In 2017, HCFCD formally determined that the placement of a trail along this corridor would require expensive bank remediation as well as long term maintenance by the District. The project presented in this grant proposal provides an alternative which is more cost effective and utilizes existing infrastructure to a great degree.
• Starting at Westheimer Road and Citywest Boulevard, head north on Citywest using existing path in place. • At approximately Cityplace Drive, begin replacing existing sidewalk on west side with an eight-foot shared use path. • Heading north, install a new eight-foot shared use path on the west side, continuing north past Del Monte Drive to Briar Forest Drive. • Cross to north side at existing signal at Briarforest and Citywest. • Repair existing sidewalk on Briarforest and reconstruct the eight-foot shared use path west to Walnut Bend Lane. • Head north on Walnut Bend Lane using existing on-street bike facility (signed bike route/sharrow) and sidewalk. Install supplemental bikeway/way-finding signage to demonstrate connection between Terry Hershey and Citywest Path. Continue east on Cedar Creek and north on Blue Willow. • Continue north along existing infrastructure until Deerwood Drive. Existing bridge to remain in place; pedestrians will utilize existing sidewalks and bicyclists will utilize on-street bike facility (signed bike route/sharrow). Construct a new eight-foot shared use path along Deerwood to connect to Beltway 8 frontage road. Reconstruct westbound travel lane to accommodate two-way cycle track (10-foot wide with three-foot striped buffer). • Existing sidewalk along Beltway 8 to be widened to eight feet and will connect to existing Terry Hershey shared-use path west of the toll road ramp.
• Provide a continuous bicycle/pedestrian connection to Terry Hershey Park and Trail. This project, in conjunction with the improvements (to be under construction soon) along Walnut Bend, will allow for bike/ped access to the TH Trail from east/west corridors to include Westpark, Richmond, Meadowglen, Westheimer, and Briar Forest. Logically, this area of access is approximately between Buffalo Bayou, Wilcrest, Beltway 8, and Westpark Drive. This area has a residential population of 20,486, and 9,516 households. When the pedestrian improvements along Westheimer are taken into consideration as another access corridor, the size of the “connectivity area” grows considerably. • To stimulate 475 new daily pedestrian users and 193 new daily cyclists (see methodology in BCA section). • To increase adjacent property values by an estimated $2.5M. This information is included as supplemental BCA information. • To provide a safe route to Paul Revere Middle School. • To upgrade Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant infrastructure within the area. • To allow for safe alternative access to and from the Terry Hershey Trail System/Park System.
Less than $100 million
Active Transportation
13_Deerwood-Resolution of Support and Local Funding Commitment.pdf
Project Development/Readiness
90% PS&E
Categorical Exclusion (CE)
(C)2 - Acquisition, construction, maintenance, rehabilitation, and improvement or limited expansion of stand-alone recreation, pedestrian, or bicycle facilities, such as: a multiuse pathway, lane, trail, or pedestrian bridge; and transit plaza amenities.
12_WCH-Deerwood_City of Houston LOS.pdf
This project is 90 percent designed and can be implemented quickly if fully funded via this grant opportunity. Transfer of the funding (if funded) to FTA would not require a re-design to Texas Department of Transpiration (TxDOT) formats/standards and the project could proceed with standard City of Houston/American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)/Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations (TDLR) approvals. Project could be implemented in mid- to late-2019 depending on length of Transportation Improvement Project (TIP) selection process, length of TIP/Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) approval, and length of time to transfer funds and execute a grant with the FTA. Utility coordination will not be necessary for this project. The project is included in 2016 Westchase Mobility Plan, Westchase District Ped/Bike Plan, and City of Houston Bike Plan. Outreach efforts were completed as a component of the 2016 Westchase Mobility plan, in which this project is outlined. This process included a steering committee process which met three times; attendance at community events; several community-driven (residents, employers, developers) focus group meetings; a project website; three Westchase Wire articles; a public meeting on October 17, 2016; a review process with partner agencies; and posting the final report on the website.
Benefit/Cost Analysis
Deerwood_Emissions benefits.zip
Deerwood Bike Benefit - Supplemental Econ.xlsx
This project is a shared use path for bicyclists and pedestrians. There are different users and trip lengths for bicyclists and pedestrians; thus 2 sets of sheets are submitted for each category.
Planning Factors - Barrier Elimination (Active Transportation)
Planning Factors - Emissions Reductions
0.82 tons/year
0.18 tons/year
Planning Factors - Environmental Justice
Planning Factors - Expands or Improves Bicycle & Pedestrian Connectivity to Employment/Schools/Medical Facilities/Transit Stops/Other Points of Interest
901 - 1000
Planning Factors - Planning Coordination
The project is identified in the 2016 Westchase Mobility Plan, 2016 Westchase District Ped/Bike Plan, and 2017 City of Houston Bike Plan.
2016 Westchase Mobility Plan: https://www.westchasedistrict.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Westchase-Mobility-Report-Final-Report-Compressed.pdf 2016 Westchase District Ped/Bike Plan: https://e84ci13ay1w3s81q61ciglgt-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/2016-12-01WestchasePed-BikeFinalReport.pdf 2017 City of Houston Bike Plan: http://houstonbikeplan.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/HoustonBikePlan_Full.pdf Additional coordination with City of Houston includes 90% plan set for project: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v64xfxe8bu9g3kl/5_90%25%20Submittal%20Deerwood%20Path.pdf?dl=0